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Welcome to Llansannor & Llanharry C/W Primary School

Croeso i Ysgol Llansannor a Llanhari yr Eglwys yng Nghymru

Together with God, we will explore, discover and flourish

Ynghya â Duw, byddwn yn archwilio, darganfod a blodeuo

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Progression Step 3

"Together with God, we will explore, discover and flourish."

"Ynghya â Duw, byddwn yn archwilio, darganfod a blodeuo."

Welcome to Progression Step 3!


Staffing in PS3

Year 4 - Mr Morris

Year 5 - Mrs Goldsworthy

Year 6 - Mrs Bevan (Monday to Wednesday) and Miss Poole (Thursday and Friday)

PS3 LSA's - Mrs Thorne, Mrs Otley (Monday to Wednesday) & Mrs James (Wednesday to Friday)

PPA - Miss Rees (Y6), Mr Smith and Mrs Thorne (Y4 and Y5)




Faster Higher Stronger


Welcome back to the summer term!  Our learners in PS3 have been buzzing with energy, ready for all the adventures we have planned.  We are looking forward to a visit from Tori James to share her experiences of training and climbing, swimming and we are all going to visit the Royal Mint in Llantrisant Mount Everest and it's Year 6's turn to head off on their residential to Llangrannog!  


This term, we will explore the theme of "Faster Higher Stronger" which focuses on the Olympics, inspirational people, healthy living, and trying something new.  During the topic children will engage in various activities such as, meeting Tori James and finding our about her inspirational climb of Mount Everest, visiting the Royal Mint to make a medal, exploring 3D sculptures, learning about the effects of sports on the heart and lungs and exploring different muscle groups.   We will be looking at character traits and how we can use these to achieve our goals.


During the topic we will be using technology for research and presentations on various inspirational people.  We will be creating our own biographies of Welsh Olympic athletes and following the visit from Tori James we will be writing our own adventure stories.   


We will be finishing our topic "Faster Higher Stronger." by taking part in a cluster schools Olympic event.


PS3 Key Dates:

  • Royal Mint trip:  Y4 on 29.4.24 and Y5/6 on 30.4.24
  • PS3 sports day on Friday 14th June
  • Swimming lessons weeks of 17th and 24th June. Further information to follow.
  • Y6 Leavers Service at Llandaff Cathedral 10th July
  • Cluster Olympic Event Friday 12th July


Remember, if you have any questions or need to get in touch with us, please contact us through the school office.


PS3 Team

Information about PS3...

Important information: 

  • PE - Please can children bring their PE kits (T-shirt, shorts/joggers/leggings and hoodie) to school and them leave them here for the week.  Please ensure all clothing items are labelled.
  • Children will access outdoor learning, please make sure that they have appropriate clothing in school e.g. wellies and a waterproof coat.  

Snacks and Water

  • Please can children bring a healthy snack to school for playtime, no nuts due to allergies.
  • Please can children bring a clearly labelled water bottle. They will always have access to their water bottles and we can refill throughout the day.

What will Literacy look like? 

  • Home/school reading books will be changed when the book has been completed.  Please listen to your child read as often as possible and discuss the story. Below are some suggested sentence stems you could use when discussing the story.  
  • As part of our teaching of literacy we will be teaching a variety of genres over the course of the year.  
  • We will continue to use Oracy 21 to continue to develop different strands of our speaking and listening skills.


What will maths look like?

  • Maths sessions will be a variety of practical and written tasks. 
  • Over the course of the week we will look at problem solving and reasoning tasks. 
  • We will be using Times Tables Rock Stars during the week, to support the learning and recall of times tables, children can access this at home.



How to help at home.

PS3 Autumn Term Topic Overview

PS3 Summer Term Topic Overview

