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Welcome to Llansannor & Llanharry C/W Primary School

Croeso i Ysgol Llansannor a Llanhari yr Eglwys yng Nghymru

Together with God, we will explore, discover and flourish

Ynghya â Duw, byddwn yn archwilio, darganfod a blodeuo

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Progression Step 2

Welcome to Progression Step 2!



Year 1 - Miss Pelech, Mrs Buxton and Miss Hurley

Year 2 - Miss Clare and Mrs Smith

Year 3 - Miss Fisher 


Faster Higher Stronger 


This term, we will explore the theme of "Faster Higher Stronger" which focuses on the Olympics, inspirational people, healthy living, and trying something new. The first half term will focus on 'Superheroes' - looking at what makes people special, learning about this in our RVE work through the life of Abraham and Moses as well as inspirational people such as Tori James. Our Science work will focus on the human body, looking at the skeleton and healthy living. 


The second half term will focus on the Olympics, culminating in our own cluster schools Olympic event at Y Bont Faen. During the topic we will also be writing stories and non-chronological reports in our literacy work and our numeracy work will concentrate on shape, measure and data handling. 


How to help at home.

-Daily reading at home will support your child's learning, talk about the story.  Here are some questions you could ask when you are reading together...

What do you think this story will be about? What might happen in the story?  Which part of the story is your favourite / least favourite? Why? • Would you change any part of the story? How? • Would you change any of the characters? How? • Which part of the story was the funniest, scariest, saddest, and happiest? Find some evidence in the text to support your opinion.  • What might happen next? • How do you think the story might end? • Who is your favourite character? Why? • Who is the character you like least? Why? • Find 2 sentences, which describe the setting.


Important information: 

  • PE - Please can children bring their PE kits to school and them leave them here for the week.  Please ensure all clothing items are labelled.


Snacks and Water

  • Please can children bring a healthy snack to school for playtime.
  • Please can children bring a clearly labelled water bottle. They will always have access to their water bottles and we can refill throughout the day.

What will Literacy look like? 

  • Home/school reading books will be changed when the book has been completed and this will be recorded in reading records.  Please listen to your child read as often as possible.  
  • As part of our teaching of literacy we will be teaching a variety of genres over the course of the year.  
  • We will continue to use Oracy 21 to continue to develop different strands of our speaking and listening skills.


What will maths look like?

  • Maths sessions will be a variety of practical and written tasks. We will be revisiting place value, addition and subtraction, and moving onto multiplication and division later in the year. 
  • Over the course of the week we will look at problem solving and reasoning tasks. 
  • We will be using Times Tables Rock Stars during the week, to support the learning and recall of times tables. 


