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Welcome to Llansannor & Llanharry C/W Primary School

Croeso i Ysgol Llansannor a Llanhari yr Eglwys yng Nghymru

Together with God, we will explore, discover and flourish

Ynghya â Duw, byddwn yn archwilio, darganfod a blodeuo

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Progression Step 1


Welcome to Progression Step 1!



Mrs K Miller, Mrs L Jones and Mrs Waters (Nursery)

Miss O'Sullivan, Mrs J Smith and Mrs C Hurley (Reception)


Autumn Term 2024 -

This term we will be learning all about 'Journeys', focusing on their journeys as children and how they are unique. During this topic, we will be exploring diverse stories from around the world, focusing on children from around the world. The children will also be exploring Diwali and other celebrations from around the world, as well as Harvest. We will also be discovering foods around the world through the story of Handa's Surprise. It is set to be a busy, yet brilliant way to start our new school year. We look forward to working with you all this year. 


What happens in Progression Step 1?

When the children are not working with an adult, they have access to the continuous and enhanced provision. These areas are carefully planned for and are enriched with challenges to support the skills that the children are learning. We have a member of staff to nurture and support the children during their time in the continuous provision challenging and asking questions. We also have a wonderful outdoor area which is part of our continuous provision.


When will Forest school take place?

Weekly sessions every Friday for both classes.

We will be running these sessions come rain or shine and so it would be great for children to have their wellies and waterproof trousers/clothing in school each week so that they can always take part in these outdoor activities. Please send in spare clothes on these days, including socks. We will send these home again at the end of the session. Please can you ensure that all items are labelled clearly. 


Important information:

  • P.E. Sessions on Tuesday (Children to bring in their P.E kits please to change into) - Nursery
  • P.E. Sessions on Wednesday (Children to bring in their P.E kits please to change into) - Reception
  • Forest school - every Friday
  • Snack - fresh fruit or vegetables to be brought to school daily please in a labelled container.  Grapes must be cut in half. Please ensure containers and drinks bottles are labelled. 
  • Please ensure all items of clothing, including shoes are labelled clearly. 



Developing a love for reading...

In Progression Step 1 we aim to ignite children's love of reading through an inviting reading corner for the children to choose books that interest them, explore how to hold stories as a reader and retell familiar stories using stick puppets and props. The children will build their early reading skills through sharing stories, songs and rhymes together, as well as building their talking and listening skills. We will introduce a 'sound of the week' keep you informed of this sound at the end of the week with a small homework task uploaded to Seesaw for a.m. Nursery. We hope you will support us and go through the sound at home too.



Welsh Words, Phrases and Songs used in Nursery

Bore da - Good Morning

Prynhawn da - Good Afternoon


Pwy wyt ti? Who are you?  ...........ydw i

Sut wyt ti? How are you? Dw i'n ...............

hapus - happy, trist - sad, wedi blino - tired, braf - fine.

Pa llw ? What Colour ? ( colour of rainbow song)

Dyma'r Llaeth - Here is milk, Dyma'r Dwr - Here is water.

Diolch - Thank you , Diolch yn fawr - Thank you very much.


Sut Mae'r tywydd heddiw? What is the weather like today?  Mae hi'n .......  It is .......

heulog - sunny, bwrw glaw - raining, wyntog - windy, oer - cold, poeth - hot, stormus - stormy, braf - fine, gymylog - windy


Following our end of session prayers we sing our Welsh goodbye song daily:-

Hwyl Fawr Ffrindiau



Here are some top tips for how you can help at home from Oxford Owl:

Parent video: Sound blending


